Christmas Banner

Xmas banner 1

I made a Christmas banner for my daughter. Is that the right term, or should it be bunting, or even something else? Anyway, whatever the correct term, it is now hanging in Cozy Creative Center. I should have taken a few more pictures of the shop. It is all decorated for Christmas and looks lovely and festive.

My Silhouette Cameo took care of the cutting and I did the stitching on my Bernina embroidery machine. It was quite a fun job, except that I made a mistake attaching the band to all the flags. I had arranged everything so nicely, all in the correct order, but when I lifted the banner up….surprise! It did read Merry Christmas alright, except that the words read from right to left instead of left to right. I still don’t know how that happened. I probably turned the whole pile over and started at the wrong end. So out came the ripper. It’s a good thing the letters themselves were not turned around. If that had happened I’d probably have said more than one bad word. Anyway, it did not take too long to fix it and it goes to show that no matter how long someone has been sewing, mistakes still happen.

I wrote up instructions on how I put it all together in case someone is interested. You are welcome to use it, but please don’t share it. You can share the link, but not the document itself. I put the instructions in a PDF so I believe you can print it out. The letters are rather large and I had to use a fairly large hoop, approximately 6″ x 10″ for the largest letters to fit. The embroidery/applique files for the letters are available on my website for $10 for the bunch, but the instructions are free. The banner can also be used for other occasions, such as birthdays, weddings, graduation, etc. Just add different letters. And, of course, if you are not into embroidery, you could always use vinyl.

To retrieve the instructions, please click on the link below.

Design instructions

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.


Author: Quilters Niche News

I am a quilter and designer of quilts and digital quilting patterns for longarm systems. I love to sew and all sorts of crafts

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