Paper Piecing

It is high time for another blog and I have just the thing to talk about.  Last night while I did some long overdue cleaning of old files on my computer,  I came across a paper pieced block that someone might like and I’d be happy to send you the PDF file if you want to give it a try. It could be made scrappy, but I think it would look very nice in red, white and blue as a patriotic quilt. Perhaps in honor of July 4th or as a QOV quilt.  Depending on how you place the colors it gives a completely different result.  Here are two examples drawn in Electric Quilt:

The pattern is for a quarter block that is repeated and rotated 4 times to make a full block. The quarter consists of 3 segments. So first complete each segments and then join the segments together to make a 4″ quarter block. The pattern looks like this:

patriotic pattern

This is a free pattern with examples of the two color ways, but does not include directions or yardage requirements. If you want the pattern, send an email to with patriotic quilt in the subject line. I am really curious to see how many people like paper piecing and if there is enough interest I may develop some more paper piecing patterns, perhaps even a block of the month program.

Until next time.


Author: Quilters Niche News

I am a quilter and designer of quilts and digital quilting patterns for longarm systems. I love to sew and all sorts of crafts

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